
Favorite Things Friday

Today marks my return to Favorite Things Fridays. The fact that I only had one post in the last month of Fridays is pretty pathetic. But hopefully my renewed dedication to my blog will improve my track record.

My favorite thing today is a basic, but great website for all kinds of fun, free fonts called betterfonts.com Because I love formatting and have quite a few printed projects right now thanks to my sister's upcoming wedding, I've been on the hunt for interesting fonts. I came across betterfonts.com while designing her engagement party invite.

What I love about this site is that not only do that have a large selection of free fonts in many categories, but also that you can preview your own text instead of just the typical "Lorem ipsum...." Just click on change preview text and type in whatever text you are using. In the case of the engagement party invite, I wanted a pretty font for the names of the honorees, but not your typical script. I chose the script category and then changed the preview text to "Melissa & Patrick" and could see exactly what all the fonts would look like. So great!

1 comment:

Katie said...

This is really good to know about...especially the preview. thanks! I've downloaded fonts before to be disappointed they don't have numbers - which can throw everything off.