
To go or not to go....that was the question

Living so close to DC, it was agony for hubz and I to decide whether or not we would go downtown for the inauguration. Since Election Day, he maintained that we would be there no matter what. As the day drew closer his resolve (and mine) was steadily weakening. Between the road/bridge closures, metro warnings, and cold-weather forecasts, the thought of making it into the city seemed impossible. And, since health and bathrooms are both major issues for me, I had made up my mind to not go.

Then, last Friday rolled around, and my dear friend called with an unbelievable offer. Two tickets. I was excited and terrified at the same time. She even offered to never tell my hubz (the real political junkie in the family) if I decided I just wasn't up to it. But, I had to tell hubz and I was quite surprised when he was torn too. After much deliberation, and advice from co-workers and friends, we decided to pass on the tickets. We knew there were lots of people waiting to get their hands on them and truth be told I was exhausted just thinking about it.

After hearing Smiling Mama's account of her experience today and others. I'm really glad we made the decision to stay home. I really feel for her and everyone who traveled near and far to be there. But I know everyone, no matter where they were, can still relish in the moment that was today.

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